It’s better to solve one problem five different ways, than to solve five problems one way. George Polya
At Helios, we believe that students learn best when they continuously work on concepts and problems that are “just right” for them. As a result, our students are grouped into mixed-age math classes according to their readiness. It is not unusual to see a third grader and a sixth grader learning together in the same math class.
Our math program builds conceptual understanding first and reinforces it with varied practice to achieve fluency and problem-solving competency. In the “elementary” math levels (K through 6), we use Singapore Math through the Math in Focus curriculum, due to its emphasis on visualization and problem-solving. In the “middle/high school” math levels, we use the Art of Problem Solving curriculum for Pre-Algebra, Introduction to Algebra, Algebra and Applications, Geometry, Advanced Algebra, and above. For students who are ready to progress past Advanced Algebra, we use a selection of curricula tailored to the individual student.
Math Circles
In addition to the standard curriculum, every Friday, students in each math class participate in a Math Circle, where they work on challenging, often open-ended problems that emphasize mathematical creativity, group work, communication, and, in upper levels, mathematical research.
We see Math as a joyous art - not just a calculation.
Linda Zadik, Assistant Head of School