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Social-Emotional Learning

Gifted children aren’t just cognitively complex — they’re emotionally complex, too.

6 Seconds SEL model

Social-emotional learning (SEL) is the process of developing the self awareness, self control, social awareness, and interpersonal skills that are vital for school, work, and life success. At Helios, we recognize that social-emotional learning is even more crucial for gifted children, who often exhibit traits of emotional intensity and asynchrony, and may need more tools to help understand themselves and navigate relationships.

Accordingly, we utilize a comprehensive SEL program by Six Seconds to increase emotional intelligence in not only students, but also teachers and parents, who serve as role models for our students, and integrate learnings from Fly Five and Responsive Classroom. Together, these curriculums help gifted learners understand themselves and navigate relationships.

In addition to the structured curriculums, our teachers weave SEL lessons into everyday classroom experiences as well as curricular themes, so that the key skills of emotional literacy become second nature.

When students graduate from Helios, they possess the skills to:

  • Know Yourself: a clear awareness of themselves and what they do
  • Choose Yourself: being more intentional in the choices they make
  • Give Yourself: doing things with a reason and purpose

Zones of Regulation

In the first days of kindergarten, our youngest students are introduced to the Zones of Regulation - blue for “low energy,” green for “alert and ready to learn,” yellow for “higher energy and fidgety,” and red for “intense feelings” - and learn to utilize this language to check in with themselves and communicate their emotional state to others. Moreover, every member of the Helios community is treated with kindness and feels valued and supported.

Preserving the Mind

Helios is a rich environment for the preservation of the human mind. It is a place where children are encouraged to think critically and creatively to stretch the boundaries of their knowledge and imagination. It is a place where passion for learning is strengthened, where a standard for excellence is encouraged, where curiosity is fostered, where divergent thoughts are fed, and where perseverance is modeled. Much like the movement to save the rainforests, we need to protect and save the human mind. It is important that we do, our species depends upon it.
Anabel Jensen, Director of Social Emotional Learning

Sprinkle your way and your day with Six Seconds...What we mean with those words is that throughout the school day we take six seconds to pause and reflect.  We take six seconds to breathe.  We take six seconds to manage our emotions.  We take six seconds to become emotionally prepared to focus and participate in our classroom.
grade 3/4 Teacher